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Using `checkMatch` and `testMatch`

The Project and CheckGroup constructs have two properties that allow you to use file-based routing to find and include Checks in your Project for testing and deploying.


The checkMatch property takes a glob pattern to match files inside your project structure that contain instances of a Check, i.e. **/__checks__/*.check.ts.

The goal of this property is so you as a developer can just add some files to an existing repo and not have to declare or import those files in some global config. This pattern should be very familiar to unit testing: the test runner takes care of finding, building and running all the files.

Also, removing a file has the desired effect: on deploy the Check is removed from your Checkly account.

Here are some best practices:

  1. Store any Checkly related Checks inside a __checks__ folder. This neatly indicates where your Checks are organized.
  2. Use multiple __checks__ folders throughout your code base, near the functionality it should be checking.


The testMatch property is very similar to checkMatch and works mostly in the same way with some caveats.

The goal of this property is to allow you to just write standard *.spec.ts Playwright files with no proprietary Checkly config or code added — this is why it’s nested under browserChecks as it only applies to Browser Checks. In turn, this allows you to just use npx playwright test on the command line to write and debug these Checks.

Some caveats:

  1. As a .spec.ts file does not contain any Checkly specific properties like frequency or tags, the CLI will add these properties based on the defaults set inside the browserChecks config object. Also, a logicalId and name will be generated based on the file name.
  2. If you want to explicitly set the properties for a Browser Check and not use the defaults, you need to add BrowserCheck construct in a separate .check.ts file and set file path to the .spec.ts file in the code.entrypoint property.
  3. When you rename a file that was previously deployed, the logicalId will change. The effect is that once you deploy again the new logicalId will trigger a deletion of the “old” Check and a creation of this “new” Check and you will lose any historical metrics.


The testMatch property for Multistep checks work the same as for Browser checks described above.

Some caveats:

  1. browserChecks.testMatch will have priority to resolve directories. We recommend having a clear definition for each Browser and Multistep check to prevent loading the wrong check type. For example using browserChecks.testMatch: ['__checks__/**/*.ts'] and browserChecks.testMatch: ['__checks__/multistep/**/*.ts'] will result in all checks created as Browser checks.

Note that the recommended patterns are just conventions. You can set any glob pattern or turn off any globbing by setting checkMatch: false and / or testMatch: false.

Last updated on August 27, 2024. You can contribute to this documentation by editing this page on Github